This is the start up of something beautiful. This is the beginning of a new era and the start up of the real words of Rodney-J. '' Advice is nothing but pure wisdom passed down from generation to generation" Life is beautiful thing that comes with challenges,however these can be quered with words of wisdom and amazing advice.Yet, actions also has to be put in place to actually show the effects of great words from the human race

Saturday, December 29, 2012
delusional: It's a mind thing
A false belief or opinion is a form of being delusional. Some human beings know right from wrong even though having their own opinion about something. People tend to belief their own opinion is more realer than the truth. They tend to think others might be acting or doing certain behaviors based on past experiences and opinions they might have faced in life. We all want things to go our way but in reality we can't.
Quote #4 of the day by: Arthur Schopenhauer
In action a great heart is the chief qualification. In work, a great head.
Quote #3 of the day by: Alexis De Tocqueville
Life is to be entered upon with courage.
Alexis De Tocqueville
Alexis De Tocqueville
Quote #2 of the day by: Elizabeth Bowen
When you love someone all your saved up wishes start coming out.
Elizabeth Bowen
Quote of the day by: Galileo Galilei
We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.
Galileo Galilei
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Poetic Justice: My way with words
Taking words to express how I feel by by writing them down on paper or by saying them verbally. Or I could use a beat and say them over that. Or how about I take them words and post them on a blog so whole world wide web could see. But no matter how I display these words it's you hearing what I got to say. Me being poetic I didn't know until my fellow peers always say that I have something to say to help them get by or to put smiles on faces. So once you get served with the proper words then I guess that's Poetic Justice being served by me Rodology himself.
P.S. Poetic Justice
P.S. Poetic Justice
Quote #3 of the day by: Francois Rabelais
Gestures, in love, are incomparably more attractive, effective and valuable than words.
Francois Rabelais
Francois Rabelais
Monday, December 24, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: Mother Teresa
Love begins by taking care of the closet ones-the ones at home.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
A two way street: Communication pt. 2
When you travel there is always two lanes on the road one lane going in both directions. So when it comes to communication it works both ways. There should be information going in and out like two lines of traffic moving on a normal evening. It shouldn't be no traffic jam because that would means less communication is going on. However if you know how to drive then traffic jams wouldn't happen. So the whole meaning behind this metaphor is communication is like a two way street.
That one present moment
That one present moment can determine a few things. That one present moment can change your life in a good or a bad way. That one present moment can open your eyes to things you have always been blind to. That one present moment want be nothing unless you make something out of it starting today.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Pieces of heaven are here on earth
No one never knows what heaven is like until you pass away and go there. We all hear and see images of what it might look like. But as much evil and bad things that happens here on earth, there are some pieces of heaven here on earth as well. Those pieces of heaven could consist of anything from nature to human beings. So if you find a piece of heaven then hold on to it cause not many people discover these amazing pieces.
Being sorry about something is feeling remorse about something that happen or something that you did. Feeling sorry is something that you actually feel bad about and not wanting whatever happen to happen again. In some situations saying sorry and meaning it can be the best. However, saying sorry doesn't work forever everything. So remember to pick and choose your battles to use the word sorry.
Quote #2 of the day by: Jules Renard
On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it.
Jules Renard
Jules Renard
Quote of the day by:Lamar Brinkley
The only way we can live, is if we grow - the only way we can grow is if we change - the only way we can change is if we continue to learn.
Lamar Brinkley
Lamar Brinkley
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Things will come to the light
If you are unsure or not aware of certain things or situations, then just be patient. Whatever information you haven't received or information that was false will come to the light. So never get worked up and just be patient because a light will shine always if it's right.
Quote #6 of the day by: Robert A. Heinlein
Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.
Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein
Quote of the day by: Bertrand Russell
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Quote #3 of the day by: William Makepeace Thackeray
When you look at me, when you think of me, I am in paradise.
William Makepeace Thackeray
William Makepeace Thackeray
Quote of the day by: Andre Maurois
The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy mediation on the past.
Andre Maurois
Andre Maurois
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The key to her heart: it's her choice
The key to a woman's heart is the most precious treasure you could ever find on earth. You could search in the highest places and you could search in the lowest places. This key is only found within her when she chooses to generate the process of key making. Only you can determine whether she will start this process of key making. However, she could make this key and not give it to you. So if the key is giving to you then it must be taking good care of. Once the key is broken or lost then its a possibility you want get another one. So it's best to appreciate that and take care of her and that key.
Quote #2 of the day by: Aristotle
What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.
Quote of the day by: Francois de la Rochefoucald
There is only one kind of love, but there are a thousand imitations.
Francois de la Rochefoucald
Francois de la Rochefoucald
Monday, December 17, 2012
Quote #3 of the day by: Dwight L. Moody
Faith makes all things possible... love makes all things easy.
Dwight L. Moody
Dwight L. Moody
Quote #2 of the day by: Robert Louis Stevenson
A friend is a gift you give yourself.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Quote of the day by: James Russell Lowell
All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.
James Russell Lowell
James Russell Lowell
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Don't let them push your buttons
Don't let them push your buttons because, people just want a bad reaction. They want to see you upset and all into your feelings. So why not just be the bigger person and don't feed into it. You kill them with kindness and keep it moving with a smile.
Quote #3 of the day by: Edgar Allan Poe
We loved with a love that was more than love.
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
Quote #2 of the day by: Benjamin Disraeli
Man is only great when he acts from passion.
Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli
Quote of the day by: John C. Maxwell
Learn to say "no" to the good so you can say "yes" to the best.
John C. Maxwell
John C. Maxwell
Friday, December 14, 2012
Family and friends: strong foundation
Supportive family and friends equals a strong foundation for an a individual. That foundation will help you balance things out but it will also help keep you focused. An whenever you have a moment where you down and out they will be there to help you through that moment. So if you got loyal family and friends stick by them and you will get a long way.
Quote #3 of the day by: Joyce Carol Oates
In love there are two things - bodies and words.
Joyce Carol Oates
Quote #2 of the day by: Arnold H. Glasow
Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.
Arnold Glasow
Arnold Glasow
Quote of the day by: H.L. Mencken
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Quote #3 of the day by: Anton Chekhov
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov
Tears of pain or tears of happiness
When you shed tears it's a form of showing emotion. When you are hurting physical or mental you cry it shows how much pain you are really in. It works similar to a motion sensor. But tears of happiness show how happy you really are about something or someone. But regardless to what we all shed some type of tears whether it's on the outside or inside.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Quote #3 of the day by: James M. Barrie
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
James M. Barrie
James M. Barrie
Quote of the day by: Josh Billings
Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can't help but smile on it.
Josh Billings
Josh Billings
Its always a smile some where
Its always a smile some where. Somebody is smiling right now for whatever reason it might be. You should be smiling right now no matter what's happening in life. Whenever people see you smile they will smile.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Quote #3 of the day by: Joseph Joubert
Kindness is loving people more than they deserve.
Joseph Joubert
Joseph Joubert
Quote #2 of the day by: Winston Churchchill
It is always wise ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see.
Winston Churchchill
Quote of the day by: Stendhal
If you don't love me, it does not matter, anyway I can love for both of us.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: Og Mandino
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your good health has vanished.
Og Mandino
Og Mandino
Quote of the day by: Henry Ford
You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.
Henry Ford
Henry Ford
Rise above
You got to rise above all the negative things that may be present. Looking past those things and focusing on your positive goals or objectives. Anybody can make it from the bottom to the top so remember hard work pays off.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Quote of the day by: Lo rraine Hansberry
There is always something left to love. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't learned nothing.
Lo rraine Hansberry
Lo rraine Hansberry
When the wise talk you listen.
When the wise talk you should listen. It's always somebody in life that has been here longer than you. So when they talk listen because they will always say something that will be useful in life. Even if they don't say much their actions will say a lot as well.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: Andre Gide
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
Andre Gide
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: Anais Nin
Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.
Anais Nin
Anais Nin
Quote of the day by: Irving Berlin
Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it.
Irving Berlin
Irving Berlin
Shouldn't tolerate unhappiness
Unhappiness shouldn't be tolerate for no individual. Nobody shouldn't be unhappy under any circumstances at all. There should always be a reason to smile about something or somebody. If you are unhappy in any kind of way you should find the solution to the problem so it can fixed. Once you fix the solution then happiness will appear again and things will start to change. You will feel better and have a more positive attitude and demeanor.
Relationships part 2 : Why let outside circumstance interfere?
Why let outside circumstances interfere with your relationship, when it's just two of y'all in a relationship. People will try to talk and spread rumors and will try anything to mess up a relationship. That's why it takes you and your partner to come to a understanding and get on the same page to make the relationship work. You got to have trust and honesty in order for the relationship to work as well. It's fifty-fifty in a relationship so it's no reason why nobody shouldn't bring their half to the relationship. So no outside circumstances should get in the way of real love that will last forever.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Quote of the day by: Edwin Louis Cole
The degree of loving is measured by the degree of giving.
Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole
Somethings aren't enough for some people
Somethings aren't enough for some people no matter how much you do. Some people just got stubborn ways and only listen to what they want. When some people don't get their way they're not happy and choose to be selfish.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Giving life your best everyday
Each day is a new beginning so when you wake up thank God. Giving each your all is what counts the most because you never know what might happen. So seek every opportunity and be grateful for all you have because who knows when we might pass.
Quote #3 of the day by: Douglas William Jerrold
Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' gardens.
Douglas William Jerrold
Douglas William Jerrold
Quote #2 of the day by: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Vitality shows in the not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Quote of the day by: Louis L' Amour
Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content.
Louis L' Amour
Monday, December 3, 2012
Life's test
Life hits us with curve balls like coming from a pitcher. Life tests us like a professor giving you a final exam. Life will knock you down to see if you will get back up. Life will put you through many different tests but you have to dig deep down inside to fight the battles to win the war.
Quote #2 of the day by : Dorothy Thompson
To have felt too much is to end in feeling nothing.
Dorothy Thompson
Dorothy Thompson
Quote of the day by: James Madison
The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.
James Madison
James Madison
Don't let a mistake determine your fate
You might make the same mistake more than once, but that's because you haven't quit learned yet. But eventually you will come across that situation again and you will have to fight temptation. Just have will power and you can get through it and no matter how many times you made that mistake don't let that determine your fate. Only you can determine who you are and what you stand for. If you strive to be the best then that will come to reality.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by : Cyril Connolly
We love but once, for once only are we perfectly equipped for loving.
Cyril Connolly
Cyril Connolly
Quote of the day by: David Hume
Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them.
David Hume
David Hume
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Quote #3 of the day by: Margaret Mead
Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.
Margaret Mead
Margaret Mead
Quote #2 of the day by: George Santayana
The soul is the voice of the body's interests.
George Santayana
George Santayana
Quote of the day by: Oscar Wilde
To love oneself is the beginning of a longtime romance.
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
Friday, November 30, 2012
Quote of the day by: John W. Gardner
True happiness involves the full use of one's great power and talents.
John W. Gardner
John W. Gardner
Product of your environment
You are what you are. You are what you come from. You determine whether to stay or leave a particular place in life. Your actions are based on your emotions and the things around you. Your environment will either make or break you. Your environment will help you make wise decisions or you will become apart of that. However, you can be a product of your environment and still be successful. Always remember it's a time and place for everything.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Quote of the day by: Robert Frost
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
Robert Frost
Robert Frost
The smallest things matter the most
The big things in life are what a play major role with things in life. But in order for those big things to be what they are it takes small things to come together to make things work. Sometimes you might feel that smallest things doesn't matter but in reality they do. So never take those small things for granted cause that is what makes people or certain situations the best thing.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Temptation: We all fight with it
We all fight this feeling. We all fight this desire. We all try to stray away from evil or taking part in bad doing of decision making. We all fight temptation in some form, shape, or fashion. Some of us fight it off and never get caught up in it. But some of us end up getting hit with it. Nobody's perfect so just live and learn while temptation in the process.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Quote of the day by: Charles Lamb
My motto is: Contented with little, yet wishing for more.
Charles Lamb
Charles Lamb
Blinded by foolishness
The human eyes can see a lot of different activities based on how actions are presented. The way a person feels conducts these actions upon which we may see visually. If person is positive then you will see positive behavior and if a person is negative then he or she actions will conduct that. However, you can see and feel when you somebody is feeling a certain way. When somebody is conducting unnecessary behavior and you can't see what's going on, an you still continuing to tolerate this person, then that shows how he or she got you blinded by their foolishness. Once a person is blind by foolishness there is so much you can say or do to them. It's something that they will have to snap out of their self. So remember it takes a unwise person to get fooled by a fool.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Ms. Right where you at?
Ms. Right where you at? Where you be? Who you with? What you doing? What are you pursing in this thing called life? Are you with your friends? She probably out there asking these same questions looking for Mr. Right. But guess what you got to be patient and she will pop up. So never look for love let love find you.
It's always a reason to smile
Your life could be crashing down before your eyes and you could feel like things aren't going right. So you become over whelmed with everything going on. But guess what it's hope right there for you and you don't even know it. No reason to be sad when you got many more reasons to smile regardless to whatever bad going on. Them reasons to smile could consist of certain people you have in your life or it could be something that you like to do. So why not keep smiling and just work through whatever you got going on one day at a time with smile.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: Eldridge Cleaver
The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less.
Eldridge Cleaver
Quote of the day by: Henry Miller
If there is to be any peace it will come through being, not having.
Henry Miller
Henry Miller
People will dislike you no mater what
People will dislike you no matter what you doing. Whether you are doing good or if you are doing something bad, people will find a way to dislike you. So no need to get all worked up about it and try to fight the world. Just keep doing what you doing right and stay true to yourself. If you are doing wrong try to acknowledge and fix whats wrong and move on with your life.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Quote of the day #3 by: Christiana Rossetti
Love shall be our token; love be yours and love be mine.
Christina Rossetti
Christina Rossetti
Quote of the day #2 by : Mahatma Gandhi
A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.
Mahatma Ghandhi
Mahatma Ghandhi
Manipulative:being selfish
To be manipulative is to be unfair or insidious to your own advantage. In the sense of this word people uses this to get what they want and to be selfish upon others. If a person is manipulative in a bad way they will betray you in many ways. So always pay close attention to your surroundings and to the people in them surroundings.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: William Ralph Inge
The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values.
Quote the day by: Thomas Kempis
First keep peace with yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.
Thomas Kempis
Thomas Kempis
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksging from Rodology
Just want to say Happy Thanksgiving from the one and only Rodology blog site and you all have a wonderful day and thanks for all the support that everybody has been showing I really appreceiate that so much.
Sincerly, Rodology Blogspot
Be thankful.
Sincerly, Rodology Blogspot
Be thankful.
Quote of the day by: Mother Teresa
Be faithful in small things beacuse it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
Be thankful
Be thankful to see another day. Be thankful for all the wonderful people in your life. Be thankful for all the wonderful things you have in life.. Be thankful for eveything you have achieved and the situations you are in.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Don't be afraid to be wrong
Don't be afraid to be wrong because we all are human and nobody's perfect. Yet, being able to admit when you're wrong will show others that you are aware of what's going on. But admitting that you're wrong then trying to fix whatever the problem and finding a solution is what counts the most. Don't let it get the best of you
Quote #2 of the day by: Miguel De Unamuno
It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.
Miguel De Unamuno
Miguel De Unamuno
Quote of the day by: Thomas Carlyle
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Quote the day by: Douglas Adams
I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be.
Douglas Adams
Douglas Adams
A Good listener
If you take the time just to listen then you will discover allot. When it's comes to people being a good listener is a key to success. Yet, it can always make people respect you and even love being around. People just love to have somebody who will just listen and don't speak. However your time to talk will always come just be patient.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Verbal tone and arrangement
When you speak it's not about what was said it's the tone that determine the effect. The way you arrange your words can also become a factor as well. The tone and the arrangement of the way you say things can make words so hurtful. So remember to watch what you say and how you say things when speaking to people.
Quote of the day by: Charles Caleb Colton
Silence is foolish if we are wise, but wise if we are foolish.
Charles Caleb Colton
Charles Caleb Colton
Reflect on your past to better yourself
Let your past better you as person and help you move forward in life. Even though it might seem to hurt as you reflect back. Just understand that you are analyzing some of the decisions you made and the outcomes that came along with it. Then that's when you ask yourself if some of those decisions were beneficial or not. Now don't get to caught up in your past because, you just pulling something positive from the bad that has already taken place.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Quote #2 of the the day by: Nicolas Chamfort
There are more people who wish to be loved than there are who are willing to love.
Nicolas Chamfort
Nicolas Chamfort
Quote of the day by: Augustus Hare
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
Augustus Hare
Augustus Hare
Balance it out
Being involved in more than one thing is what comes life. As human beings we get tired and need rest. We all seem to push the envelope at times and go past our limit. But sometimes we just need a break to pull things together to make sure we stay on focus on whatever we doing. So people have different ways of relaxing and getting back in their element. So whatever that might be you find out and make sure that happens,but always remember the reason why you doing that because that's your motivation to keep pushing forward. Life is like a scale go to balance both sides out to get a equal outcome.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Go beyond your highest goals
Go beyond your highest goals or achievements. Once you complete whatever you choose to complete keep striving for something higher than whatever you completed. Yet, you have to understand that allot of time and hard work has to be put forth in order for this to happen. No matter how many times you fail just pick your self up and keep moving. Good things come to people with good intentions and for those who are willing to work hard. But being appreciative of everything you have will also count as well.
Love will come just be patient.
Love will come to those who wait and be patient. However, you will deal with love on different levels and it will come in different situations. Never take a relationship that fails as a lost because, you actually learned what to expect and how love suppose to feel. Just be patient for that right relationship to come and true love will come right along with it . But only you and right person can determine a happy ending that fits best.
Quote of the day by: John Gray
Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee.
John Gray
John Gray
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Point of views
In life people see things from different angles and views. Things also happen different with people,and some people may in counter similar things and situations but it's still different. But people need to look at things from a different point of view at times to see a different outcomes. Just because something may not have went your way or happened like you excepted doesn't mean it's always bad. You have to look at things from a different view point to see if you see something different. Sometimes looking at things from your view point, another person point of view, and even looking at it from a wrong or right point of view could help out in allot situations. But at the end of the day some things happen for a reason so always try to use different view points and gain something positive from the situation.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Affection: ways of showing love
Being affectionate is one the good parts of being in love. Affection is you showing how much you care and love someone. This could be shown by a simple kissing and saying sweet things in which you mean to say. This could be shown by other forms of actions. Sometimes this passionate look in your eyes could say a lot of things too. But different people show different signs of being affectionate in different ways. So do what's best for you.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
No need for fussing and fighting
No need for fussing and fighting when all you got to do is be honest in the beginning. If you be honest in the beginning and keep being honest then it will be less fussing going on. All that free fussing and fighting is bad for your nerves and can cause some form of stress. However, in relationships people may tend to fuss a little but hopefully it's over something that both individuals can learn from. All that fussing and fighting over petty stuff is a waist of energy and time. So stop all that fussing and fighting and communicate, learn, and love more.
A difference between a want and a need when it comes to relationships
Don't no man or woman need a relationship they want a relationship. The difference between the two is that a need is something that can be phase and people come and go in your life. But a want is something that you take time to actually think about and it's something that you are willing to put time and effort into. So always go into a relationship with a clear mind and positive attitude to make it work.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Quote of the day by: Marcus Tullius Cicero
A man of courage is also full of faith.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Why make it complicated?
Why make things complicated? Why make things complicated when it's always a right and wrong way to do it. It's always a simple and easy way to do things too. All you got to do is look at the situation from a honest point of view instead being caught up in your feelings. Don't get me wrong listening your feeling is an option too but to much of that doesn't get you no where. Things only become complicated when you allow it to.
What's best for you?
What's best for you ? That's a question you should ask yourself. Only you know what works best for you. I mean sometimes it's good to try new things and to switch it up a little, but somethings aren't for everyone. Yet, it's always somethings that you need to stop doing or change. So always know what makes you happy and do what's best for you.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Long distance relationships
Most relationships people are in they are usually in the same city or the same place together living life. However, you have some situations where people tend to make decisions to leave for whatever reason that might be. That leads to two individuals being separated for a while. This is where the long distance relationship start and the two people have to make it work at their best ability. As long as they keep the love alive and be honest then it could work but, this doesn't work for ever one. So if it's worth it then stick with it but if it doesn't work then go your separate ways. Last but not least you never know until you try.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: Lucius Annaeus Seneca
If you wished to be loved, love.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Quote of the day by: Gaston Bachelard
One must always maintain one's connection to the past and yet ceaselessly pull away from it.
Gaston Bachelard
Friday, November 9, 2012
Quote of the day by: Vash Young
Any experience can be transformed into something of value.
Vash Young
Vash Young
Perfection: Practice makes perfect
Perfection is when something is in a state or quality of being perfect. We as human beings are not perfect but seem to perfect certain arts and skills. We also seem to shoot for perfection at whatever we do. Unfortunately, only some of use master everything we do but our strong points and desires always out weigh the weak.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Quote of the day by: Samuel Richardson
Where words are restrained, the eyes often talk a great deal.
Samuel Richardson
Samuel Richardson
Breaking up is easy but moving is harder.
When two individual go through so many trail and tribulations together it causes them to break up. Deciding to break up is the easy part but the hard part is moving on. That becomes a challenge because both individuals are use to being with each other and they are also still caught up in their emotions as well.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
It could be difficult before it's easy
Some things could be difficult when you first get introduced to it. But after you take time to observe and study what's going on then things can change quickly. Once things start to change then it will become easy to you then it will become a second nature to you. So don't let nothing overwhelm or discourage you just keep on pushing.
Patience is the key
One of the key essentials in life is to have patience. Having patience shows how humble you could possibly be when it comes to life and the things that come with it. No matter how difficult or challenging something is you have to be patient and stick with it and you will see a positive outcome.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Quote of the day by: Arnold H. Glasow
A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.
Arnold Glasow
Arnold Glasow
Your friends know you and love you for you.
Your friends or a friend will know you because they have taken time to do that. Yet, a friend or your friends will love you for you no matter. But when you are down and need that help or that push to do something they will make sure they are there. So remember if they are really your friend they will know and love you for you.
Cant't fix nothing that's not broken.
When you have problems in relationships people tend to want to fix things that doesn't exist or things that are not a factor. Instead of focusing on the things that need to fixed they want to focus on things that are not broken. But you can't fix anything that's not broken but the things that are broken can be fixed by taking your time and coming together with your partner to fix that.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: David Brinkley
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
David Brinkley
David Brinkley
The past can help you determine your future
What you do in your past can help determine a few things in your future. If you choose to make good and positive decisions then you will have a great outcome in the near future. Yet, if you make some bad decisions then things could turn out a little different. But no matter how good or bad something was back then you still can have a bright future.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: Peter Ustinov
Love is an act of endless forgiveness, A tender look which becomes a habit.
Peter Ustinov
Peter Ustinov
Quote of the day by: Theodore Parker
Outward judgement often fails, inward judgement never.
Theodore Parker
Theodore Parker
Work hard for what you want.
In life nobody really gives you nothing.You have to get out there get it yourself no matter the situation or circumstances. Yet, you have a few people who had things handed to them. But the outcome of that isn't so good compared to somebody who worked hard for what they got. So always be humble and strive for the best in life even after you become successful still be humble.
The truth can be good or bad but you go to accept it.
In life we have good and bad things happen to us. Now how we take those things are on us. But its moments where the truth is going to be good or bad whether you want to hear it or not. Sometimes we tend to be in denial about somethings but when reality kick in the truth comes out you got to accept it no matter how good or bad it is.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Quote of the day by: Henry Ford
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
Henry Ford
Henry Ford
Love don't cause hurt it's the people who cause hurt
People always seem to stay in a bad relationship because of love. Well if that person really loved you then they wouldn't keep hurting you. So why stay and keep getting hurt when you can eliminate a lot of extra pain. No matter how in love you are with a person you shouldn't let them keep hurting and disrespecting you. But when you fed up you will hit that breaking point and leave.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
His last romance: That one woman
When a woman loves she loves hard and she wants you to know in all kinds of different forms and fashions. But her main goal and achievement is to be a man's last and only love that his has forever in his life time.
Quote of the day by: Doug Larson
Wisdom is the equality that keeps you from getting into situations where you need it.
Doug Larson
Doug Larson
Virtue: What's your virtues?
Virtue is moral excellence with goodness and righteousness with the conformity of a person's life to conduct moral and ethical principals. So what is your virtues in life? That's a question you should ask yourself at some point. But nothing to stress over because your virtues can be determined off some of the decisions you make in life. Once you figure them out you conquer them and live life to the fullest.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
It will pay off in the end
You have your days when you feel like you don't want to do something anymore. But in reality whatever you doing has an great outcome once you complete it. Even though you feel like you ready to give up on it, don't just keep pushing. Because in the end when you reach the finish line all that hard work will pay off.
Bring the best out of each other
When you dealing with people you care about you always want the best for them. So in any given situation you will make sure they are comfortable and happy. But sometimes you tend to be a little hard on them when it's needed. That's just you being honest with them and saying what they need to hear. Yet, I feel we will push each other to our best ability to bring the best out of each other. We all have weaknesses and we all have our strong points. So no matter the situation you want the best for the people you love.
Nothing a waste of time
Nothing is a waste of time because it's a reason why that happen. Whatever that reason is the outcome of that will show why that happen. Life is what you make it so pay attention when it's trying to tell you something that's important.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Quote #2 of the day by: Albert Camus
You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.
Albert Camus
Albert Camus
Its all been said before
In life some people keep going back to the beginning because they don't listen. Everything in life has been said before but people just don't listen the first time. Sometimes it take for a person to hear from a complete stranger to get the understanding of something. So maybe if people listen the first time then a lot of things would be cut out in life.
Role model
A role model is a person who sets an example based off their behaviors. A person can be a good role model based of their positive behavior and guidance. Yet, a person can become a bad role model that influences bad behavior.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Quote of the day by: Abraham Lincoln
The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Final form of love is forgiveness
Wise people always say you got to forgive in order to move on in life no matter how hurt you might. When it comes to love people tend not to forgive because of the hurt. But after you face that hurt and deal with it then you got to ask what's next. The final stage is forgiveness even though you might not forget what caused the hurt. It's all about you healing in order for you to be able to love again.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Discipline is when you are hard upon yourself to accomplish certain objectives. Being discipline plays a role on how a person acts or even carry him or her self. Sometimes discipline can be taught from other individuals or even taught through the things we go through in life. Yet, being discipline helps us out as far being able to make wise and hard decisions.
Quote of the day by: T.S. Elliot
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
T.S. Elliot
T.S. Elliot
Friday, October 26, 2012
Quote of the day by: Emmet Fox
If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world.
Emmet Fox
Emmet Fox
Building that foundation
It's more to a relationship than just saying that he or she is your significant other. Both people have to build a strong foundation like when a house is first built. That process can take as long as you want it to but when the time is right it's right never rush anything. However, if you rush the process then your house of love will come tumbling down.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Quote of the day by: Arthur Rubinstein
I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
Arthur Rubinstein
Arthur Rubinstein
The healing process
Once you leave a relationship you got to go back to the basics. The healing process takes time but you got to be patient. Using other things to make you heal quicker want really work and it will do nothing but hurt you more. So just continue to focus on everyday life and before you know it time would have let you heal. The healing process will make you stronger and wiser so never be afraid to let go so you can move forward.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Quote of the day by: John F. Kennedy
Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
You are never to old
You are never to old to stop learning. You are never to old to set new goals in life. You are never to old to have new dreams you want to pursue. You are never to old to better yourself and the people around you, because time is ticking and life is something you enjoy not something you take for granted.
Believing in yourself
Being better than somebody else is not something you should worry about. In the long wrong that want get you no where far and have you run into negativity. You got to believe in yourself before you can believe in somebody else. The most important thing is believing you can be better than what you thought you could be and to have that understanding that you can always find a way to better yourself.
Willing to learn and willing to teach
We as human-beings have that eager and that desire to learn. Whether it's big or small we still want to know. Even if you feel you have retained a lot of information there's still never to much to learn. You got to have that motivation and that inspiration to want to learn more. However, while in the process of still learning you will be put in a situation to teach. You teaching something could be anything that you come across whether somebody asks or not. So always be willing to learn and teach and that will get you a long way.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Quote of the day by: John Lennon
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
John Lennon
John Lennon
Don't be afraid to move on
Don't be afraid to move on because holding on isn't gone work. Don't be afraid of making a change and letting go of the past. Don't be afraid of what can happen because you will never know what will happen if you don't move forward. Life is like a car, you got a front windshield for a reason so look forward and only look in your rear view to see how you got from where you was leaving from.
What you going to leave behind?
What you going to leave behind when you leave earth? How about memories a lot of memories. How about you leave an impact on people that will carry on for a lifetime. So strive to be the best because you never who you impacting the most.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Different mind frames: Some things you want understand
Different mind frames with different people. Similar mind frames but still different people. Some people tend to do things that others want understand. You will understand if you been through whatever they been through but in some cases you still want be able to understand because your mind frame is different. You have to disagree to agree so never take a disagreement personal,because you and another person might clash. At the end of day somethings aren't meant for you to understand because what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong.
People tend to make assumptions about things they don't know about. Just because some things look like something that don't necessarily mean it's that. You never know what people go through or the relationships people have, so until you know the facts assuming wouldn't be a good idea.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Day to day living is what wears you out.
Day to day living is what wears us out. The basic concept of just survival and making through each day is a task it's self. While you take on this task of survival you having other unnecessary events that take place that makes living a little harder. So as every single day passes by just remember to live for today and not for tomorrow.
Morals : Whats your morals?
Having morals is knowing right from wrong with principles concerned or pertaining to a situation. In today's society a lot of individuals do not have a clear understanding of what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. Individuals feel they can try to change the basic concept of morals and using them with negativity. So what's your morals?
Respect is to be held at honor or to recognize individuals based on who they are,what they have going on, and based on what they represent. Respect would be being polite and showing common courtesy. Whether you know a individual or not being disrespectful is uncalled for. So it's best to say something positive or just don't saying nothing at all.
Quote of the day: People talk
Great people talk about ideas. Average people talk about things. Small people talk about other people.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Quote of the day by: Aristotle Onassis
It is during the darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
Aristotle Onassis
Aristotle Onassis
That one moment when you are put in a situation with a choice with equally undesirable alternatives. This could happen with the most simplest thing such deciding what you are going to do on your spare time. However, a dilemma can be a serious matter once loved gets involved or trying to figure out what you want to do with your life. But the question is how to overcome a dilemma? To overcome this you will have to think smart,be wise, and use your heart,because one you make that decision there's no turning back.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Quote of the day by Helen Keller
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller
Helen Keller
We can't live without love
As human-beings we have this desire and the feeling to love and care. We all love someone whether it's a family member, a friend , or a significant other. Love is that motivation and inspiration that pushes us to do what we feel is right. Love also that feeling knowing someone will be there by your side no matter what happens. Even though love hurts at times we still continue to love. So that famous saying "love don't love nobody" is a false statement.
What you do today can improve your tomorrow
What you do today can better your tomorrow. It's true that tomorrow isn't promised but even though we might live for today we still got to make choices that will play out tomorrow. So it's always good to make choices that will take you a long way.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
You can be whatever you want to be
If you woke up this morning and said "I want to be a doctor" then that's what you can be. If you try that out and it doesn't work for you then you can pursue something else. But whatever it is you choose to do in life just put all your time and effort into that and watch your dreams comes true. So all that sitting around saying what you want to do is going to get old until you make something happen. Always remember to be yourself and the rest will come in your favor.
Quote of the day by: Ayn Rand
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.
Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand
Speaking from the heart
If you are going to speak on anything or say how you feel just make sure it comes from heart. When it comes from the heart no matter how it's accepted it will make you feel good when it's all said and down. But nines times out of ten when you speak from the heart people feel that and will respect that.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Love quote of the day by Lao Tzu
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu
No reason to feel like the king or queen of sorrow
Sorrow is when you feeling deep distress or depressed by a certain loss,disappointment, or some type of misfortune. This could be placed upon you by many different reason,situations,or dealing with different people. But being apart of human natural we tend to heal over time and get back to normal. However for some people it takes a very long time for that to happen. Unfortunately, life is is built to take you through ups and downs. The question is how long will you let this sorrow linger around you and your life. Because the longer it stays around the longer it will cause more problems in your. So the best advice is to forgive and let go of whatever it so that you can move forward with your life.
Find something in life that makes you happy
What is something in life that makes you happy? The answer to this question could be one answer,two answers,three answers, and so on etc. Whatever your answer might be is the key to your happiness which attaches to the happiness you already have within yourself. However, you have people that go through deep stuff in life and they feel like they have nothing nor nobody to be there to fill that empty void. That's when that search kicks in to find that it factor that makes you happy. It could be music,writing,speaking,sports, a certain group of individuals,or a individual to help bring that happiness or to fill that void. One amazing thing about it is you might already have that key to your happiness in your life. We as human-beings tend to overlook things and people. It's even a possibility that its something or someone that you dealt with before that can come back into your life to bring this happiness. So whatever brings that happiness just be appreciative, be grateful, and never let go.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Intuition: By Courtney Broome
Intuition... What does it mean?? According to Wikipedia, Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without inference and/or the use reason. Many lack the knowledge to realize how significant a person's intuition is. Many do not know that intuition comes from within; it is based on instincts. Trouble appears when people do not act off of their instincts. Therefore, intuition is lacked. When we "think" too much we never get the correct outcome. We view wrong thoughts as being the right answers to our problems, causing us to over think and overreact at times. We as individuals must remember that intuition comes from within ourselves, and we should not shy away from what's inside of us. What's inside of you is special!! I share all of this to say...Never abandon your intuition, and most importantly always follow your heart!!!
Courtney Broome
Courtney Broome
Life is whatever you make it but you have choices. Choices are different options that you are faced with on a day to day bases. However, some choices are small and simple like finding something to wear. Yet, some choices are big and complex and could change your life around in a matter of seconds. So be wise,smart,and comfortable with the choices you make because once you make them decisions there's no turning back.
Three methods we may learn wisdom by Confucius
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is the noblest; Second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Words: You determine the meaning behind them
We use words to communicate and to express our feelings and emotions. Now words can be hurtful,they could be inspirational, they could be loving and caring as well. Now in order for these meanings to stick you have to put actions behind them. So remember watch what you say and mean what you say.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Nobody's perfect and we seem all to get curious and adventurous. As human beings we all tend to mess up whether it's big or small. But the key to fixing that is being honest with yourself and the situation. Mistakes is what they call them but them mistakes is what teaches us lessons and shows us the truth some where down the line. So if you make one just find a way to fix it and move on with your life cause it's plenty more to come.
Quote of the day: Nelson Mandela
A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Being Consistent
Being consistent shows how much effort you put into anything you do. If you keep that good effort up no matter what happens in life nobody couldn't say you never stop being consistent with whatever you put your time into. So always remember being consistent will take you a long way no matter what you doing or dealing with.
Quote of the day by: Lia Hall-Growth 101
Growth 101 : Stay focused on your destination & not your path. Be consistent in who you are & not what others want you to be or what they think you should be
Lia Hall
Lia Hall
Friday, October 12, 2012
Breaking point
When is that breaking point when you had enough? When are you going to get tired and realize thing aren't going to change. When will you realize that you have been hurt enough? So when is that moment that you decide to walk away. Some pain only last cause you allow it to so overcome that pain and heal right and walk away get what you really deserve.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
You got what it takes.!!!
You got what it takes to be who you want to be. You got what it takes to be humble and to have patience. You got what it takes to pursue your dreams and live them out. You got what it takes to be successful at whatever you are faced with in life. You got what it takes to help change the world if you wanted too. But first you got to love yourself and have a clear understanding of what your purpose is in life. Never let anybody tell you different because you got what it takes to do anything you desire.
People make love complicated
Love is not complicated people make love complicated. Because when two individuals are in love it's a beautiful thing. But all them complications come from not communicating and not have that understanding. They also coming from individuals that can't be honest or choose to mess with others on the outside of the relationship. Love is what ever people make it out to be. So if you choose to make love a great thing then it will be great but if you choose to make love complicated then that it will be.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Say something....!!!
You got to say something when you want to be heard. You got to say something when you want to make a difference. You got to say something when the time is right. You got to say something even if the truth don't want to be heard. You got to say something when somebody's in need of help or even if you are in need of help. But sometimes you saying something don't got to be verbal it can be all actions.
Can't always get what you want
It's a great feeling when everything goes your way. But that moment when you can't get your way then you not happy. You should know you can't get everything you want or need. In some situations that thing that you wanted might not be what you expected when you get it. So it's best to be grateful for what you got and understand things that you want will come to you if it's meant to happen.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
It's only so much you can control
There's only so much you can control in life. If something going to happen it will happen no matter what you do. There's no need to stress or be all worked up about certain things that take place in everyday life. So just remember to take control of what you can control and let God handle the rest.
Quote of the day : Room for improvement
It's always room for improvement no matter how good a person or a situation is in life. The moment you feel everything is perfect something is bound to happen. So keep your eyes and ears open at all times and always make room for improvement.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Quote of the day: Determine your day: Mind over matter
For example, if your day starts off great nine times out of ten you will have a good day. If your day starts off kind of bad then nine times out of ten you will feel like you had a bad day. But even though your day started off bad you have the power to determine your mood to have a great day. So remember it's mind over matter you can do anything you put your mind to.
Misery loves company
Misery is when someone is feeling a great distress or discomfort of the mind. So when a person is miserable don't feed into it with negativity because that's like inviting yourself over to become what they are. The best advice is to either help with positive suggestions or just leave it alone.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
I'm different you different we all different
I'm different you different we all different. We might have similar things in common but we all different people with our own identities. We all got different struggles and we all got different ways to gain success. So remember different strokes for different folks.
Quote: Life is what you make
Life is a beautiful thing that we all should cherish. We all have an opportunity to decide what we will do with our own individuals lives. So if you choose to make life a great thing then that's good but if you make life hard then it will get this best of you. At the end of day life is what you make it so make the best of it.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Disagreements and Arguments in relationships
In relationships you are going to disagree on things. However disagreements could be a good thing because it could show how two people have different opinions on things. Yet, don't let these disagreements lead to arguments.Now of course in relationships you will have your arguments too. But arguments could lead to learning more about your partner.The main point is do not argue over small petty stuff argue over something that will benefit you and your partner in the end. So never let a disagreement lead to an argument and never argue over petty things.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The benefit of the doubt
We all try to give some people an exception when you meet them. Because we feel like why place judgement on them or make them to be something that they aren't. Or we try not to make them out to be like somebody that has hurt you. So you give them that benefit of the doubt until they show otherwise. Because once you doubt something or a person nine times out of ten it mostly likely true. However, we all tend to see what a person might do because every individual is different even though they might have similar qualities to someone you might know or have known.
Kill them with kindness!
People always want to see you act out and make a scene when a bad situation as happen between y'all. But in reality you can't keep giving into the foolery that is present. You have to learn how to be a bigger person and put your pride to the side. Once this happens then you will start doing things that they wouldn't expect instead of going back and forth. These actions may consist of doing kind things like speaking to them or just flat out not giving them the negative energy they want to perceive.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
You never had someone
You never had someone who truly cares. You never had someone who really treats you like a queen. You never had someone who takes your thoughts and feelings into good consideration. You never had someone that's willing to work things out when things get bad. You never had someone that's willing to put his heart on the line knowing it's chance he could get it broke. So ladies if you meet him you better hold on to him.
Admitting when your wrong
No person in the world is perfect, we all make mistakes. The first step is Admitting to yourself that you did or said something wrong. Once you have recognized your wrong doing then you will be able to admit your doing to who ever your dealing with in the situation. Regardless to if they accept your apology or not you will walk away from the situation knowing you was honest with yourself and that person as well.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
You determine how much your worth
Can't no object, place, thing, or human being determine how much you are worth. Because the way you carry yourself and present yourself to the world will show how much you are worth. We live in a world where people let materialistic things determine their worth. I bet you if you take them things away you will have a worthless human being with no kind of foundation. So if somebody ask you how much your worth just look them in them in the eye and say," I'm priceless".
Never know what you got until it's gone
Never know what you got until it's gone. So if you got someone special to you whether its a friend, a family member, or a lover just be so appreciative of them cause when they gone you will miss them allot.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Learn to love someone
Some people you are attracted to right off the back and some people tend to come on to you over time. Some people aren't made up to who they might seem to be and some people are who they say they are. But regardless of how much you are attracted to them you got to learn to love them. What that statement means is you have to take time and actually get to know the real them instead of loving them off what you see. Once you go through this process and if everything goes well then falling in love might just hit you when you not looking. So learn to love someone instead of loving them cause you want to make something happen.
Both taking a risk
When two people decide they want to be together in a relationship both individuals are taking risk. Both people are taking there time and putting it into a relationship. Being hurt is something both of them can face if somebody doesn't want to act right or decides to say they want to be out of a relationship. However taking that risk could lead to being with that person forever if both individuals decides to do right. So you got to ask yourself are you willing to risk your heart and your time to see if that individual is right for you ?
Monday, October 1, 2012
Sometimes you have to walk away
Sometimes you have to walk away. Some situations will never end until you just stroll away from it. I'm not saying run away from things. Yet, I'm saying once you put all the effort you can into something and you still not getting no where then maybe it's time to think about leaving the situation alone. Feelings and pride could stand in the way and once they get involved then things will go to another level. So to save a few tears from dropping in that bucket and to save yourself from a broken heart it's best to walk away and let God handle the rest. Because in the end you could look back and say that you done the right thing instead of adding more fuel to that burning fire.
You got to love yourself before you can love the next person
You got to love yourself before you can love anybody else. You have to make sure you have that understanding of who you are. Understanding who you are comes from your personality,culture, and even your family background. Yet, the questions are who are you? What do you stand for and what do you represent? Once you figured out all about yourself than having love or showing love for the next person will be a breeze. No matter what goes on in life good or bad you have to love yourself at the end of each of day.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Never be afraid of failure
Failure is something in life we all come across at some point. It's something you face head on and realize that you gave your all. So pick your self up and keep living and let what ever you failed at become apart of motivation and apart of your success.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Quote of the day: By Courtney Broome
Change...Its a heavy,powerful word! It can be good and bad. You're the one that dictates whether its good or bad. Don't ever feel stressed out about tight situations that you're never been in before. God is just introducing you to CHANGE. He wants you to adapt and be HAPPY! So accept change, keep God FIRST!
Actions speak louder than words
Actions speak louder than words and it gives them a meaning. Without them actions behind them words then they don't mean nothing at all. So remember if you say something let them actions speaker louder than your words.
Friday, September 28, 2012
We all looking for the same thing
As apart of human nature we all want to be loved. We all want somebody we can be ourselves around them when they are around. We all want somebody we can talk to about anything and tell our deepest feelings to. We all want somebody who really cares and will be there no matter. We all just want that true love that makes you feel complete. Unfortunately, we all get mislead or get our hearts broke then we turn our backs on love. But you got to suck that up and be strong and just remember that's preparing you for that right one so be patient. True love will find you when it's ready.
Change is that one thing in life that's consistent. Nobody never knows when this might take place. Changes could be a great thing but some changes can be not so good either it just depends. As human beings we change as apart of human nature that deals with our life span. It's somethings that want never change but there's allot of things that will. The best way to handle these changes is to see whether its affecting you and surrounds in a good or a bad way.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Does that make him or does he?
Does that make him a dog cause he talks to more than one female and have options? Does he have allot of females because a lot of girls like him or like to flirt with him. Does he not know what he want because he hasn't had a girlfriend in a few years? Does that make him playing hard to get because he want deal with no nonsense from any female? When really he's a good dude he just haven't came across that right one. So until he finds that right one all the salt will be thrown into his direction. Does that make him a good dude because he know what he wants? Does that make him a good dude because he's very patient and waiting for that right girl to come? Does that make him a good dude because he's very bold and honest? So does all these things make him a dog or does all these things make him a good dude?
Whats your opinion about this?
Whats your opinion about this?
Why Does She Stay?
Why does she stay if she feels like she's not getting what she wants out of you. Why does she stay if she continues to get hurt by things you do? Why does she stay if it's not enough affection from you? Why does she stay if she feels she cares more than you do? Is it her ? Or is it you? Why does she stay when its best to move on ? Just think about it.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Knowing the difference between things you can and can't change
One of the hardest things in life is dealing with things you can't change in life. This is a challenge because it's so hard sometimes to identify whether it's something that can be changed by you or not. However, if you pay close attention and let God guide you then you will have the strength and wisdom to recognize it.
God will grant you the serenity to accept things you can't change and the wisdom to know the difference.
Two wrongs don't make it right
Two wrongs don't make it right it. Just cause he/she did it to you doesn't mean you do it back. So what if he/she cheated you doing it doesn't make it right because its just causing more pain in the end. Best way to handle that is just move on from the situation and karma will do it's work.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Thin Line Between Love & Hate
That moment when you can love someone but can soon turn to hate very quickly. Its like walking on a tight rope at the circus. You will be saying you love them one minute and the next minute you hate them. However only you and that person know why that love/hate relationship exist. Love/Hate relationship can between any person,place,or thing as well.
Always remember its a thin line so watch your step!
Monday, September 24, 2012
She's a single parent !
She's got the courage to hold it down by herself. She's got the ambitions of a fighter to never to give up. She's got the ability to take on some many different task at one time while still taking care of herself. She finds a way to make sure her children never go without and always keeps a smile on their faces. She's doing it all by herself without no help from the father of children. What is she labeled? A single parent! A mother! A loved mother by her seeds! She's a single parent doing it all by herself with a smile bigger than sun.
This is dedicated to all the single parents out there keep your head up and keep doing what you got to do to raise them children. The world wouldn't be the same without individuals like you.
This is dedicated to all the single parents out there keep your head up and keep doing what you got to do to raise them children. The world wouldn't be the same without individuals like you.
The the strength to deal with any pain, danger, or death with a lot of bravery and boldness while being fearless.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
What if a woman ?
If the tables turned around and you was put in some of the same situations that some women are dealing with, what would you do ? What if a woman do you like you do her ? What if she had man on the side? What if she played mind games like you played ? Would you be able to handle that ? Would you leave or stay ? What if she was like you or even like me ?
This is just something to think about it but if you are guy reading this and you are good guy then this doesn't apply to you so don't take it personal and have good day.
Pain: We all go through it but it want kill you
Pain could have different meanings coming from different people but regardless to that it something we all feel and go through it at times in life. Some pain can be caused physical and some pain can be cause mentally. Whether it physical or mental pain just know you will get through it one way or another. An at the end of the day once you make it through that pain, you can use that as motivation and even teach a few life lessons that could help others through the pain they might be faced with.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Taking Time to Listen
Taking time to listen can be beneficial in many different ways. From a relationship stand point taking time to listen to your partner is always a great thing because communication is strong factor when it comes to relationships. Now if you come across a situation where you have a friend, a sibling, or even a complete stranger that's going through something and might just need somebody just listen and show that they care. Like I always say "We all just need somebody to shut up listen so you can vent !".
So just remember just listen sometime and you will be amazed of the outcome you will have.
So just remember just listen sometime and you will be amazed of the outcome you will have.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Past Relationships
Past relationships can either have a positive or negative effect on you. The negative effect could be you not wanting to let go or even you feeling like every person that you meet is going to act or treat you a certain way in a negative way. The positive effect could be you taking what happen in your past relationships and turning them it into a positive lessons that you can carry through life with you. It could also help you work on yourself as person to determine the good and bad flaws about yourself. Whether if the relationship was good or bad just look at and bring out the positive things about it while still realizing the negative things that took place.
Topic of the day: Is it Love or Lust?
Is it Love or Lust? Some people don't even know whether they are in love or caught up in lust. So do you know the difference?
Please comment and say how you feel.
Please comment and say how you feel.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Trust is another powerful thing in life that gets you a long way from dealing with friends,family,or your significant other. Building trust can be based on how you interact with people or the way you present yourself as person and what you stand for. Once trust is broken then people tend to pull back or even not deal with you anymore. However, trust can be regained under strict circumstances of the person who's trust you trying to regain. Always remember trust could lead success with your life and people that's in your life.
So whats your dentition of trust?
So whats your dentition of trust?
Quote of the day: Empowerment
Empowerment consist of three great things Education, Networking,and Organization. This would be informational power that can be used as a power tactic to use to influence people in their everyday life.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Quote of the day #2 by Shannon Michelle : Discipline
You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage-pleasantly,smilingly, non-apologetically- to say 'no' to other things.
Shannon Michelle
Shannon Michelle
Quote of the day : From Courtney Broome
There's a reason the rear view mirror is so small and the windshield is big. Where your're headed is so much more important than what you've left behind.
Courtney Broome
Courtney Broome
Being Hesitant
Women tend to be hesitant with men when they are in that stage of getting to know each other. In most cases that's normal because women are on the road to opening up and really making sure if he's the right man for her. Now if you switch this around and the man is being hesitant with the woman on whether he should open up and give his all. In most cases its never like that but what if most men done that. How would women in today's time feel about that? Will women go along with it or just think its some type of mind game? So if you reading this post take time to think and leave comments and express how you feel about this post.
Question of the day
Relationships do you love them or do you hate them? What is
it about them that makes you can’t stand them, and what about them makes you
wanna leave the one you with to start a new relationship wit you “USHER”. The
fact of the matter is, is that 9 times out of 10 you will be in multiple
relationships through out your life. These relationships may be long or short
term, they maybe for just a period of time. Women what are you looking for in a
relationship, are you just going with the flow or are looking for something
serious. Men are we looking for just one of those one-night stands or are
striving to be like our fathers trying to settle down and pass on the family
Please comment Thanks, Dre Shipp
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