It is during the darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
Aristotle Onassis
This is the start up of something beautiful. This is the beginning of a new era and the start up of the real words of Rodney-J. '' Advice is nothing but pure wisdom passed down from generation to generation" Life is beautiful thing that comes with challenges,however these can be quered with words of wisdom and amazing advice.Yet, actions also has to be put in place to actually show the effects of great words from the human race

Saturday, October 20, 2012
That one moment when you are put in a situation with a choice with equally undesirable alternatives. This could happen with the most simplest thing such deciding what you are going to do on your spare time. However, a dilemma can be a serious matter once loved gets involved or trying to figure out what you want to do with your life. But the question is how to overcome a dilemma? To overcome this you will have to think smart,be wise, and use your heart,because one you make that decision there's no turning back.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Quote of the day by Helen Keller
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller
Helen Keller
We can't live without love
As human-beings we have this desire and the feeling to love and care. We all love someone whether it's a family member, a friend , or a significant other. Love is that motivation and inspiration that pushes us to do what we feel is right. Love also that feeling knowing someone will be there by your side no matter what happens. Even though love hurts at times we still continue to love. So that famous saying "love don't love nobody" is a false statement.
What you do today can improve your tomorrow
What you do today can better your tomorrow. It's true that tomorrow isn't promised but even though we might live for today we still got to make choices that will play out tomorrow. So it's always good to make choices that will take you a long way.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
You can be whatever you want to be
If you woke up this morning and said "I want to be a doctor" then that's what you can be. If you try that out and it doesn't work for you then you can pursue something else. But whatever it is you choose to do in life just put all your time and effort into that and watch your dreams comes true. So all that sitting around saying what you want to do is going to get old until you make something happen. Always remember to be yourself and the rest will come in your favor.
Quote of the day by: Ayn Rand
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.
Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand
Speaking from the heart
If you are going to speak on anything or say how you feel just make sure it comes from heart. When it comes from the heart no matter how it's accepted it will make you feel good when it's all said and down. But nines times out of ten when you speak from the heart people feel that and will respect that.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Love quote of the day by Lao Tzu
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu
No reason to feel like the king or queen of sorrow
Sorrow is when you feeling deep distress or depressed by a certain loss,disappointment, or some type of misfortune. This could be placed upon you by many different reason,situations,or dealing with different people. But being apart of human natural we tend to heal over time and get back to normal. However for some people it takes a very long time for that to happen. Unfortunately, life is is built to take you through ups and downs. The question is how long will you let this sorrow linger around you and your life. Because the longer it stays around the longer it will cause more problems in your. So the best advice is to forgive and let go of whatever it so that you can move forward with your life.
Find something in life that makes you happy
What is something in life that makes you happy? The answer to this question could be one answer,two answers,three answers, and so on etc. Whatever your answer might be is the key to your happiness which attaches to the happiness you already have within yourself. However, you have people that go through deep stuff in life and they feel like they have nothing nor nobody to be there to fill that empty void. That's when that search kicks in to find that it factor that makes you happy. It could be music,writing,speaking,sports, a certain group of individuals,or a individual to help bring that happiness or to fill that void. One amazing thing about it is you might already have that key to your happiness in your life. We as human-beings tend to overlook things and people. It's even a possibility that its something or someone that you dealt with before that can come back into your life to bring this happiness. So whatever brings that happiness just be appreciative, be grateful, and never let go.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Intuition: By Courtney Broome
Intuition... What does it mean?? According to Wikipedia, Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without inference and/or the use reason. Many lack the knowledge to realize how significant a person's intuition is. Many do not know that intuition comes from within; it is based on instincts. Trouble appears when people do not act off of their instincts. Therefore, intuition is lacked. When we "think" too much we never get the correct outcome. We view wrong thoughts as being the right answers to our problems, causing us to over think and overreact at times. We as individuals must remember that intuition comes from within ourselves, and we should not shy away from what's inside of us. What's inside of you is special!! I share all of this to say...Never abandon your intuition, and most importantly always follow your heart!!!
Courtney Broome
Courtney Broome
Life is whatever you make it but you have choices. Choices are different options that you are faced with on a day to day bases. However, some choices are small and simple like finding something to wear. Yet, some choices are big and complex and could change your life around in a matter of seconds. So be wise,smart,and comfortable with the choices you make because once you make them decisions there's no turning back.
Three methods we may learn wisdom by Confucius
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is the noblest; Second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Words: You determine the meaning behind them
We use words to communicate and to express our feelings and emotions. Now words can be hurtful,they could be inspirational, they could be loving and caring as well. Now in order for these meanings to stick you have to put actions behind them. So remember watch what you say and mean what you say.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Nobody's perfect and we seem all to get curious and adventurous. As human beings we all tend to mess up whether it's big or small. But the key to fixing that is being honest with yourself and the situation. Mistakes is what they call them but them mistakes is what teaches us lessons and shows us the truth some where down the line. So if you make one just find a way to fix it and move on with your life cause it's plenty more to come.
Quote of the day: Nelson Mandela
A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
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