This is the start up of something beautiful. This is the beginning of a new era and the start up of the real words of Rodney-J. '' Advice is nothing but pure wisdom passed down from generation to generation" Life is beautiful thing that comes with challenges,however these can be quered with words of wisdom and amazing advice.Yet, actions also has to be put in place to actually show the effects of great words from the human race

Saturday, October 6, 2012
Disagreements and Arguments in relationships
In relationships you are going to disagree on things. However disagreements could be a good thing because it could show how two people have different opinions on things. Yet, don't let these disagreements lead to arguments.Now of course in relationships you will have your arguments too. But arguments could lead to learning more about your partner.The main point is do not argue over small petty stuff argue over something that will benefit you and your partner in the end. So never let a disagreement lead to an argument and never argue over petty things.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The benefit of the doubt
We all try to give some people an exception when you meet them. Because we feel like why place judgement on them or make them to be something that they aren't. Or we try not to make them out to be like somebody that has hurt you. So you give them that benefit of the doubt until they show otherwise. Because once you doubt something or a person nine times out of ten it mostly likely true. However, we all tend to see what a person might do because every individual is different even though they might have similar qualities to someone you might know or have known.
Kill them with kindness!
People always want to see you act out and make a scene when a bad situation as happen between y'all. But in reality you can't keep giving into the foolery that is present. You have to learn how to be a bigger person and put your pride to the side. Once this happens then you will start doing things that they wouldn't expect instead of going back and forth. These actions may consist of doing kind things like speaking to them or just flat out not giving them the negative energy they want to perceive.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
You never had someone
You never had someone who truly cares. You never had someone who really treats you like a queen. You never had someone who takes your thoughts and feelings into good consideration. You never had someone that's willing to work things out when things get bad. You never had someone that's willing to put his heart on the line knowing it's chance he could get it broke. So ladies if you meet him you better hold on to him.
Admitting when your wrong
No person in the world is perfect, we all make mistakes. The first step is Admitting to yourself that you did or said something wrong. Once you have recognized your wrong doing then you will be able to admit your doing to who ever your dealing with in the situation. Regardless to if they accept your apology or not you will walk away from the situation knowing you was honest with yourself and that person as well.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
You determine how much your worth
Can't no object, place, thing, or human being determine how much you are worth. Because the way you carry yourself and present yourself to the world will show how much you are worth. We live in a world where people let materialistic things determine their worth. I bet you if you take them things away you will have a worthless human being with no kind of foundation. So if somebody ask you how much your worth just look them in them in the eye and say," I'm priceless".
Never know what you got until it's gone
Never know what you got until it's gone. So if you got someone special to you whether its a friend, a family member, or a lover just be so appreciative of them cause when they gone you will miss them allot.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Learn to love someone
Some people you are attracted to right off the back and some people tend to come on to you over time. Some people aren't made up to who they might seem to be and some people are who they say they are. But regardless of how much you are attracted to them you got to learn to love them. What that statement means is you have to take time and actually get to know the real them instead of loving them off what you see. Once you go through this process and if everything goes well then falling in love might just hit you when you not looking. So learn to love someone instead of loving them cause you want to make something happen.
Both taking a risk
When two people decide they want to be together in a relationship both individuals are taking risk. Both people are taking there time and putting it into a relationship. Being hurt is something both of them can face if somebody doesn't want to act right or decides to say they want to be out of a relationship. However taking that risk could lead to being with that person forever if both individuals decides to do right. So you got to ask yourself are you willing to risk your heart and your time to see if that individual is right for you ?
Monday, October 1, 2012
Sometimes you have to walk away
Sometimes you have to walk away. Some situations will never end until you just stroll away from it. I'm not saying run away from things. Yet, I'm saying once you put all the effort you can into something and you still not getting no where then maybe it's time to think about leaving the situation alone. Feelings and pride could stand in the way and once they get involved then things will go to another level. So to save a few tears from dropping in that bucket and to save yourself from a broken heart it's best to walk away and let God handle the rest. Because in the end you could look back and say that you done the right thing instead of adding more fuel to that burning fire.
You got to love yourself before you can love the next person
You got to love yourself before you can love anybody else. You have to make sure you have that understanding of who you are. Understanding who you are comes from your personality,culture, and even your family background. Yet, the questions are who are you? What do you stand for and what do you represent? Once you figured out all about yourself than having love or showing love for the next person will be a breeze. No matter what goes on in life good or bad you have to love yourself at the end of each of day.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Never be afraid of failure
Failure is something in life we all come across at some point. It's something you face head on and realize that you gave your all. So pick your self up and keep living and let what ever you failed at become apart of motivation and apart of your success.
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