This is the start up of something beautiful. This is the beginning of a new era and the start up of the real words of Rodney-J. '' Advice is nothing but pure wisdom passed down from generation to generation" Life is beautiful thing that comes with challenges,however these can be quered with words of wisdom and amazing advice.Yet, actions also has to be put in place to actually show the effects of great words from the human race

Saturday, November 17, 2012
Go beyond your highest goals
Go beyond your highest goals or achievements. Once you complete whatever you choose to complete keep striving for something higher than whatever you completed. Yet, you have to understand that allot of time and hard work has to be put forth in order for this to happen. No matter how many times you fail just pick your self up and keep moving. Good things come to people with good intentions and for those who are willing to work hard. But being appreciative of everything you have will also count as well.
Love will come just be patient.
Love will come to those who wait and be patient. However, you will deal with love on different levels and it will come in different situations. Never take a relationship that fails as a lost because, you actually learned what to expect and how love suppose to feel. Just be patient for that right relationship to come and true love will come right along with it . But only you and right person can determine a happy ending that fits best.
Quote of the day by: John Gray
Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee.
John Gray
John Gray
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Point of views
In life people see things from different angles and views. Things also happen different with people,and some people may in counter similar things and situations but it's still different. But people need to look at things from a different point of view at times to see a different outcomes. Just because something may not have went your way or happened like you excepted doesn't mean it's always bad. You have to look at things from a different view point to see if you see something different. Sometimes looking at things from your view point, another person point of view, and even looking at it from a wrong or right point of view could help out in allot situations. But at the end of the day some things happen for a reason so always try to use different view points and gain something positive from the situation.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Affection: ways of showing love
Being affectionate is one the good parts of being in love. Affection is you showing how much you care and love someone. This could be shown by a simple kissing and saying sweet things in which you mean to say. This could be shown by other forms of actions. Sometimes this passionate look in your eyes could say a lot of things too. But different people show different signs of being affectionate in different ways. So do what's best for you.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
No need for fussing and fighting
No need for fussing and fighting when all you got to do is be honest in the beginning. If you be honest in the beginning and keep being honest then it will be less fussing going on. All that free fussing and fighting is bad for your nerves and can cause some form of stress. However, in relationships people may tend to fuss a little but hopefully it's over something that both individuals can learn from. All that fussing and fighting over petty stuff is a waist of energy and time. So stop all that fussing and fighting and communicate, learn, and love more.
A difference between a want and a need when it comes to relationships
Don't no man or woman need a relationship they want a relationship. The difference between the two is that a need is something that can be phase and people come and go in your life. But a want is something that you take time to actually think about and it's something that you are willing to put time and effort into. So always go into a relationship with a clear mind and positive attitude to make it work.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Quote of the day by: Marcus Tullius Cicero
A man of courage is also full of faith.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Why make it complicated?
Why make things complicated? Why make things complicated when it's always a right and wrong way to do it. It's always a simple and easy way to do things too. All you got to do is look at the situation from a honest point of view instead being caught up in your feelings. Don't get me wrong listening your feeling is an option too but to much of that doesn't get you no where. Things only become complicated when you allow it to.
What's best for you?
What's best for you ? That's a question you should ask yourself. Only you know what works best for you. I mean sometimes it's good to try new things and to switch it up a little, but somethings aren't for everyone. Yet, it's always somethings that you need to stop doing or change. So always know what makes you happy and do what's best for you.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Long distance relationships
Most relationships people are in they are usually in the same city or the same place together living life. However, you have some situations where people tend to make decisions to leave for whatever reason that might be. That leads to two individuals being separated for a while. This is where the long distance relationship start and the two people have to make it work at their best ability. As long as they keep the love alive and be honest then it could work but, this doesn't work for ever one. So if it's worth it then stick with it but if it doesn't work then go your separate ways. Last but not least you never know until you try.
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